Our Clients

Our solutions are used by 60,000+ paid customers worldwide. Our customers chose us because we provide the most reliable and affordable solutions in the market, superb customer support, and the most user friendly interface on our dashboard.

Webshare is trusted by 57 580 customers worldwide
Monthly proxy requests
Paid users
Monthly active users

How is Webshare different?

Webshare Software is a trusted technology company based in in California, USA, founded in 2018.
Trusted Team
Located in SF Bay Area, California our team is dedicated to help you business success. All of our technology is developed in-house and we never rely on untrusted technology partners.
Privacy First
All of your information and proxy activity is private and never shared with 3rd parties. Unlike many other proxy providers, we never route your sensitive business traffic over compromised servers or residential devices.
Superior Fraud Detection
Operating a proxy network requires in-depth cyber-security industry experience. Our founders have successfully founded cyber-security companies which partnered with Fortune 100 and major USA defense contractors.
Technology Driven
Webshare holds multiple key patents in building fast, safe and scalable proxy servers. Our technology-driven approach is transforming the network proxy industry to enable data access to businesses.

Secured with Webshare

Webshare operates all of its underlying trusted proxy infrastructure. Your traffic is never routed through compromised servers or residential endpoints.

All of your proxy activity is encrypted and protected at all times.

Encrypted & Authorized
Trusted Proxy Endpoint

Real-time Protection

Webshare implements AI/ML driven real-time anti-fraud processes to block high-risk users and activities. Webshare processes over 650B unique data points every month to provide safe and compliant business proxy network.

AI & ML Driven
Secure & Compliant

Webshare's ethically sourced Residential Proxies

Webshare's Residential Proxy pool is ethically sourced from carefully selected partners that uphold business ethics and strict compliance. A majority of Webshare's proxy network is composed of Tier A model proxies.

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Scale with security

Webshare is audited and certified by industry leading Third Party standards. Read more on our Privacy Policy.

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