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March 25, 2024

Page Reload in Puppeteer: Methods & Errors Explained

When working with Puppeteer, scenarios often arise where you need to reload a web page, either to ensure the content is up-to-date or to simulate a user-initiated page refresh. In this article, we will explore several methods to achieve page reload in Puppeteer, each with its distinct use cases. We’ll dive into the primary methods like page.reload(), navigating to the same URL with page.goto(), utilizing keyboard shortcuts via the page.keyboard methods, and executing client-side Javascript to trigger a reload using page.evaluate(). Along the way, we’ll address common errors that may occur during page reloads and provide solutions to ensure your Puppeteer scripts run seamlessly.

How to Reload a Page in Puppeteer?

In the realm of web automation, Puppeteer offers a versatile array of methods for reloading web pages. Let’s explore four distinct approaches to achieve this task, each suited for different scenarios.

Main method - Page Reload with page.reload()

The page.reload() method in Puppeteer provides a straightforward way to refresh the current page, simulating a standard browser refresh action. It’s a simple and effective approach when you need to reload a page without any specific interactions or customizations. Here’s its syntax:

await page.reload([options]);

The optional options parameter allows you to specify options for the reload action, such as bypassing the browser cache or setting a timeout for the reload.

When to Use page.reload()?

  • Basic Page Refresh: The most common use case for page.reload() is when you need to refresh the page, similar to a user hitting the refresh button in their browser. It can be useful when you want to ensure that the content on the page is up-to-date before performing any further actions.
  • Refreshing an Unmodified Page: If your automation script hasn’t made any changes to the page and you simply want to reload the page without any specific interactions, page.reload() is a straightforward choice.

Now, let’s see an example to understand when and how to use page.reload().

Example: Basic page refresh

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto('');
  // Performing some actions or verifications

  // Reloading the page to ensure the content is up-to-date
  await page.reload();

  await browser.close();

In this example, we first navigate to a webpage, perform some actions, and then use page.reload() to refresh the page, ensuring that the content is updated before further actions.

Page Reload with page.goto()

Another approach to reload a page in Puppeteer is by using the page.goto() method to navigate to the same URL.

When to Use page.goto()? 

  • Resetting the Page: If you are looking to reload a page to its initial state (the URL it was originally opened with), you can use the page.goto() method. This approach is useful when you want to reset the page to its initial state before conducting further actions.
  • Navigating to the Same Page: If your script requires the page to reload and ensure that all its resources, including stylesheets, scripts, and images, are reloaded as well, navigating to the same URL with the page.goto() is a suitable option.

Now, let's provide an example to illustrate when and how to use page.goto() for reloading a page:

Example: Reloading by Navigating to the Same URL

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Navigating to a URL
  await page.goto('');
  // Performing some actions
  // Getting the current URL
  const url = page.url();
  // Using page.goto() to navigate to the same URL
  await page.goto(url);

  await browser.close();

In this example, we initially navigate to a webpage, perform some actions or verifications, and then use page.goto() to navigate to the same URL. This effectively refreshes the page, resetting it to its initial state. The page.url() method is used to obtain the current URL, which is then passed as an argument to page.goto().

Page Reload with Client-Side JavaScript

The page.evaluate() method is a key feature of Puppeteer that allows you to execute custom JavaScript code within the context of the web page you are automating. It essentially runs your Javascript code as if it were executed directly in the browser’s console. This method is powerful because it enables you to interact with the DOM, retrieve information from the page, manipulate elements, and trigger actions as if you were interacting with the page manually.

When to Use page.evaluate()?

You can use the page.evaluate() method for page reloading when you require custom logic or actions to be performed during or after the reload. It is valuable in the following situations:

  • Custom Page Reload Logic: If you need to perform additional operations before or after the page reload, such as interacting with specific elements or checking conditions, page.evaluate() allows you to incorporate this logic into the page reload process.
  • Handling Complex Interactions: When the decision to reload the page is based on complex client-side interactions or conditions, you can use page.evaluate() to evaluate these conditions and trigger the reload accordingly.

Example: Reloading a Page with Custom Logic

Here’s an example of using page.evaluate() for page reloading:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Navigating to a URL
  await page.goto('');
  // Using page.evaluate() to execute client-side JavaScript
  await page.evaluate(() => {
    // Custom logic goes here
    if (someCondition) {

  await browser.close();

The script uses page.evaluate() to execute custom client-side Javascript code within the context of the web page. Inside the page.evaluate() function, you can include the custom logic. In this case, it checks the condition someCondition and, if it evaluates to true, it calls location.reload() to reload the current page.

How to Fix Common Page Reload Errors in Puppeteer?

Below are the common page reload errors in Puppeteer.

Navigation Timeout Error

Error Message: “Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 30000ms exceeded.”

Cause: This error occurs when Puppeteer doesn’t complete the navigation to the requested page within the default timeout of 30 seconds. It typically happens when the web page being navigated to takes longer to load than expected, or if there are network issues.

Solution: There are a couple of ways to handle the Navigation Timeout Error:

  1. Increase the Timeout: You can increase the navigation timeout by setting a higher value using the timeout option when calling page.goto(). For example:

await page.goto('', { timeout: 60000 }); // Set timeout to 60 seconds

This gives the page more time to load before triggering a timeout error. Adjust the timeout value as needed based on the specific requirements of the webpage you’re working with.

  1. Handle with a Try-Catch Block: Another approach is to use a try-catch block to catch the error and handle it in your Puppeteer script. This allows you to perform alternative actions or report the error without crashing the entire script. Here’s an example:

try {
  await page.goto('');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Navigation Timeout Error:', error.message);
  // Handling the error as needed

Unexpected Target Closure

Error Message: “Error: Protocol error (Page.navigate): Target closed.”

Cause: This error occurs when the browser tab or the entire browser itself is closed before the navigation process could be completed. It often happens when there’s an unexpected closure of the browser or tab while the script is in the middle of a navigation operation.

Solution: To address the “Target Closed” error, you need to ensure that the browser or the specific page you’re interacting with isn’t being closed prematurely. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Check for any unintended or unexpected calls to browser.close() or page.close() in your script. Ensure that these close operations are placed at the appropriate points in your script and that they aren’t invoked prematurely.
  2. Monitor the sequence of actions in your script to make sure that any interactions with the browser or web pages are coordinated in a way that avoids closing the browser or page when it’s still needed for navigation.
  3. Review your script for any conditions that could lead to premature closure of the browser or tabs. For instance, make sure that you’re not encountering exceptions or errors that result in an abrupt termination of the browser instance.

Context Unavailable

Error Message: “Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.”

Cause: This error occurs when the script attempts to evaluate or execute code in a context that no longer exists, typically due to a page navigation. This context is destroyed, making it impossible to continue the evaluation.

Solution: To address this error, ensure that you wait for the page to load completely before evaluating or executing scripts on it. Using methods like await page.waitForNavigation() or other wait functions can help synchronize your actions with the page’s state, preventing the error from occurring.

Network Issues

Error Message: “Variants of network error messages.”

Cause: These errors occur when network requests fail during a page reload, resulting in various network-related error messages.

Solution: To address network issues, you should first check the website’s availability and verify your network connection. If these aspects are fine, you can consider using Puppeteer’s built-in error handling mechanisms. For example, you can use a try-catch block to capture and handle network errors.

Missing Selector Element

Error Message: “Waiting for selector "example" failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded.”

Cause: This error occurs when a selector the script is waiting for doesn’t appear on the page within the specified timeout.

Solution: To address this error, consider one of the following options:

  1. You can increase the timeout value for waiting for the selector by using options with wait functions like page.waitForSelector().
  2. Double-check that the selector you’re waiting for is correct and matches an element on the page.
  3. Use a try-catch block to handle the error gracefully.

Unsafe Navigation

Error Message: “The frame was detached while waiting for the navigation.”

Cause: This error occurs when the frame or iframe you’re working within is removed or changed during navigation.

Solution: To address this error, consider one of the following solutions:

  1. Use selectors that are more stable and less likely to change during navigation.
  2. Implement a try-catch block to capture the error.


In this article, we covered various methods to reload web pages using Puppeteer from the simple page.reload() to executing client-side Javascript. We discussed when each method is most appropriate. Furthermore, we addressed common page reload errors, offering solutions like extending timeouts and employing try-catch blocks.

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